About this course

The terms "financial report" and "financial statement" are often used interchangeably, though they bear distinct meanings. Financial reports, functioning as a comprehensive umbrella term, encompass various report types. These reports, disseminated to both management and stakeholders, play a crucial role in conveying essential information about the organization's financial well-being. Typically, they include vital financial statements such as the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flow. It's essential to note that while all financial statements are financial reports, not all financial reports qualify as financial statements.

Within the expansive scope of financial reports, financial statements emerge as a focused subset. These statements furnish specific details about an organization's financial standing, encompassing assets, liabilities, shareholder equity, cash flow, and operational results. Presented in a structured table format, they often reference footnotes to elucidate specific details.

Financial analysis, known by various terms like financial statement analysis, accounting analysis, or analysis of finance, entails evaluating the viability, stability, and profitability of an organization, business, or even a specific segment of the business or project.

Professionals may use various financial ratios to compare and analyze information incorporating the various financial statements. Ratios are important to assist in understanding the organization's activities; however, it is critical to understand that ratios do not necessarily tell the whole story. Some ratios taken in isolation may not provide a complete story of an organization's performance, status, or efficiency. Often, an individual ratio is of more use when evaluated in line with other ratios or trend information. In any event, for ratios to be useful and meaningful, they must be:

• Calculated using reliable, accurate financial information

• Calculated consistently from period to period

• Used in comparison to internal benchmarks

• Used in comparison to other companies in your industry

• Viewed both at a single point in time and as an indication of broad trends and issues over time

• Carefully interpreted in the proper context, considering there are many other important factors and indicators involved in assessing performance


This course includes:
schedule1.5 hours on-demand video
signal_cellular_altIntermediate level
task_altNo preparation required
calendar_todayPublished At Jan 24, 2024
workspace_premiumCertificate of completion
errorNo prerequisites
lock1 year access
calendar_todayUpdated At Sep 3, 2024